Piper, a 19 year old girl, gets in a predicament with her boyfriend Johnny. He's ready to have sex with her, but she doesn't feel she's quite ready yet. And as she believes in abstinence, will she be able to persuade her boyfriend? You can only read to find out! Enjoy.

I just want to let you know that there is foul language and some sexual content mentioned in here, so I do suggest you to read at your own risk. Thank you.

"Johnny, please just stop," I said sternly while trying to push him off of me. His hard chest just made me feel like I was pushing on a wall.
"Come on, just this once. It'll feel good, I promise," Johnny said, trying to act charming, but failed at it terribly. I grunted in failure as I began to try to get up from the bed, because Johnny's strong hands kept me down. "Come on baby," he said lightly kissing me on the lips, "You know you want it." I sighed and glanced down at his worn-out jeans. 'Great,' I thought, 'he's having an erection.'
The both of us laid there on my bed, and Johnny, my boyfriend, was yet, trying to get me to have "you know what" with him. But I didn't want that to ever happen; I was planning on keeping my virginity until marriage. 
While he continued to press forward in kissing me, I began to feel him slowly unzipping my pants. "Johnny!" I shouted, unlocking my lips and pushing back at his shoulders, "I'm not doing this! I'm not ready!" I got up from the bed, frustrated, and fixed my pants. Johnny sighed and got off the bed. He walked over and stood in front of me putting his hands on my arms.

"Listen, you don't know how long I have waited for this day, and how long I wanted our relationship to move forward," he said, trying to get deep in my mind with that mournful look on his face. "I have needs, okay Piper? I'll admit it; I have some deep, sexual needs." I glared at him, disgusted. 'Does he think I not know this? We've had this conversation time after time, and I've ended up storming out of the room afterwards. And then he would say sorry and make it up to me. Blah, blah, blah,' I thought.
"Piper, you are the one I want to be with. I need-, I mean, we need this, just so our relationship can increase." Johnny pleaded.
"Johnny, we've had done this before. I'm not ready to have sex with you. There, I said it. And I'm starting to believe that you're only dating me because you want that sexual attention. But Johnny, I'm not giving that to you. Not now anyway," I said, now pecking into his male mind, just peck, peck, pecking away.
He stood there in silence, not saying one word. I began to walk away, when all of a sudden there was a tight grasp on my arm.
"Listen, Piper," he began to say, sounding furious now, "I don't fucking care what your fucking damn needs are. I don't fucking care that you want to wait to have sex until marriage. I've waited long enough!" he screamed into my face. I swallowed hard.

"When have you ever asked what my needs are Piper, huh? Why don't you care about me as much as you care about yourself?!" He began to push me towards the bed.
"No, no," I said, almost crying now. I tried to get his hands off me but they stuck to me like glue. 
He shoved me on the bed. I flipped over fast and began to crawl off the bed when Johnny pummeled me back down. I laid there on my back, kicking and scratching him and shouting as loud as I could into his ear. "Shut the FUCK UP!" he screamed, slapping my face hard. Tears ran down my burning face.
"Get off!" I screamed back at him. He grabbed my jeans and tugged them down my hips. Then I quickly dug my nails into his arms, creating blood. 
I kicked, and I screamed, but nothing seemed to help. He had my pants halfway down my legs and then he stuck his finger into me. "Oh my gosh!" I yelled, my face cringed and my head tilt backwards. I was scratching and tearing skin off his arm to give him the most pain that I could give him. He took his finger out and then the next thing I knew, he began to quickly unzip his pants.
While he was fiddling with his stuck zipper, I pulled on the bed sheets and pulled myself off of the bed.
I fell on the floor on the opposite side of the bed and quickly pulled my pants back up to snap them. Then as fast as I could, I got up and sprinted to the stairs. But all of a sudden Johnny leaped in front of me before I could reach there.

"Where do you think you're going?" he said with fiery in his eyes.

I tried my best to dart around him but he successfully grabbed me at my waist and slammed me down on the floor. My back smacked against the cold hard floor, knocking me out of breath. I struggled with him, again and again, but my strength against his seemed useless. So I just had to let him do it to me: get inside of me and manipulate me.
And I cried...hard.
Click the picture to go to Chapter 1 :)