Chapter 7 Description:
Piper hangs out with Macy, the "bitch". She gets some new changes and then something traumatic happens at the end. What is it? Read to find out! Enjoy.
After the night of my attempted "stalking" I was getting ready to hang out with Macy, the ultimate nice bitch, if that makes any sense. Which in my head, it didn't. I put on a comfortable jacket and wore some sweatpants. I grabbed some money and stuck it in my pocket since I didn't feel like carrying around a big purse. Then I drove to Macy's house.
Macy's house was brown and gorgeous. I drove up the concrete driveway and parked. I walked up to her glass front door and rang the doorbell.
I waited, and I waited; I waited for about five minutes. 'Well I guess no one is home,' I thought, as I turned around and started to walk back to my car. "Piper?" I heard a deep familiar voice say. I spun myself back around and saw Felix standing in the front doorway with no shirt and a pair of jeans on.
The last time I saw him like that was the night I invited him over to my house for a "sleepover." Which that was six and a half months ago.
I walked up to him. "Macy said that we were going to go shopping today," I told him.
"You know my girlfriend?" he asked.
"Um, yeah, we kind of bumped into each other two weeks ago when I was at the resta-" Then I paused my sentence. I remembered that Felix didn't know that I was at the restaurant. If he did, I would be a complete stalker. Which, I kind of was.
"Restaurant? What restaurant?" he asked me.
"It doesn't matter, can I be let in now?" I said, changing the subject.
"Yeah, I guess." And then I walked into their home.
It looked all right on the interior, I mean it wasn't five star quality or anything but then again it wasn't ugly.
"Honey, who was at the door?" I heard a woman's voice say.
I looked to my left and saw Macy walking out of a bedroom. She wore only a bra and underwear. It was all too familiar with me. She stopped dead in her tracks. "Oh my gosh, we're suppose to go shopping today, aren't we?" she said.
"Yeah," I responded.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm going to go get dressed right away." Then she quickly spun back around and ran back into the bedroom, closing the door behind her. 'Great, I bet they were just making out or something, or even having sex when I came a-knocking,' I thought to myself, looking over at Felix's body.
He had such a great body. He had muscles everywhere you looked, and the sexiest unshaved face I have ever seen. The tattoo on his arm made him look hot and he had a nice tan from the California sun that made me warm up inside. The sunlight streaming through the windows made his body seem like it was glowing, with the light just bouncing off of it. His eyes were a beautiful, deep but light, hazel color and his hair was gorgeous and slightly tousled sitting on top of his head. His pants were sitting just right on his hips, with zipper slightly open. And I imagined I was doing things to him. Dirty things.
I imagined myself not pregnant and running my fingers through his soft hair. Touching his hard muscles. Feeling his warm embrace around my body.
Kissing his soft lips, then getting a little more rougher, taking it to the bedroom. He would be taking my shirt off kissing me hard and washing out my mouth with his tongue. I would be underneath him, pulling his pants down.
My bra would almost be off and he would be quickly taking down my pants, I would also be helping him. Then his pants would be all the way off, exposing his underwear. Then I would take my hand and squeeze his-
"Why are you staring at me?" Felix spoke out of the silence. I snapped back into reality and stuttered out an explanation, "Um, I think you have something on your face."
"I do?" he said, feeling his face.
"Oh, never mind, it's gone." There was actually nothing on his face. I was getting too ahead of myself with my imagination. Felix was taken, and I had to accept that. I wasn't going to daydream about going all the way with him; I shouldn't have been daydreaming at all.
Macy walked out of the bedroom. "How do I look?" she asked, strutting. Felix went up to her and grabbed her by the waist.
"You look sexy," he said.
Then they made out for like five minutes. I was just awkwardly standing there watching all of it. I felt like I was going to throw up.
Then once they got done sucking each other's faces, Macy walked to me and said, "You ready to go?" I nodded my head. We exited her house and went out to her car.
So, where do you want to go to first?" she asked me while we were sitting in the car driving down the street.
"I don't know," I responded. I shifted myself in the seat. She turned her head and looked at me.
"Did I ever tell you that your hair is really pretty when it's down?" she asked. I shook my head.
"I think we should go to the hair salon and maybe get you a new hairstyle... Yeah! That would be awesome! And I know just the best place to go to."
'Great,' I thought to myself, 'What am I getting myself into? I really like my long, brown hair. If anyone needs a haircut, it's her.'
We arrived at the hair salon in just a short five minutes. We walked inside and it was very... unique. I stood there just staring at everything. It was all pink with zebra stripes and doo-hickies. "Tracy!" Macy yelled out when she walked in, raising up her arms as about to give someone a hug. Then I saw a rather hot guy walk over to her.
Macy placed her lips straight onto his. My eyes widened.
'She is such a fucking slut!' I screamed in my head.
When the small smooch was over, the man spoke, "Darling! I'm so glad to see you!" My tension in my body relaxed. This guy was apparently gay. I could tell just by his voice. He then turned to me and made eye contact. "And who is this gorgeous young lady over here?" he said walking over to me.
"Tracy, this is my friend Piper," Macy told him.
"Well, it's nice to meet you darling."
Then he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the lips. I twitched but just let it go. 'I guess you don't do the usual hello and handshake around here,' I thought. He backed away from my face. "All right!" he said as he clapped his hands together, "Where should we begin?"
"Piper needs a haircut or just a new style of hair," Macy said. 'I actually don't need one, but I guess a little change is good, right?' I thought. Tracy lead me over to a chair and made me sit down.
Then he handed me a magazine. "Flip through that and choose a hairstyle that you want, when you find one that you like, just holler my name, okay hun?" he said.
"Yeah," I said, flipping open the magazine.
"Great," he said, then walked away. I searched through many pictures of women with beautiful hair. There was hair long, short, thick and thin.
I just couldn't find the one I wanted. Then I turned to a page with beautiful hair that looked like it suited me. I turned myself in the chair and called for Tracy. "Coming, my darling," Tracy responded, walking towards me, "So what are we going to do with your hair?" He looked over my shoulder at the magazine.
"That one," I said, pointing at the picture.
"Oh wow, that's sexy. Let me just get my scissors and we'll begin," he said.
He came back with the hair cutting "tools." I looked at myself for one last time before my hair and features would be changed. Then he began to cut my hair. And before I knew it, I looked like a whole new person. I was going to begin my new life with a new look and a new child.
"Alright! We are finished!" Tracy said, spinning me around to face the mirror.
I looked at myself in the mirror. I had sexy, flipped back, layered hair. "I love it!" I yelped in happiness. 'This is what exactly I have been looking for, something sexy, dangerous, adventurous, and just plain different. I stood up from the chair.
"I, am a hair goddess," Tracy said with finesse.
I quickly hugged his body. I stuck my nose in his shirt and he smelled like cinnamon and spice. Gosh, he was good enough to eat. We pulled away from each other.
"Well darling, you are too darn hot with that hair," he said, smiling at me. I smiled back. Then all of a sudden, I felt a wetness in my pants.
"Oh my gosh," I thought out loud.
"What is it Piper?" Macy asked.
"My water just broke," I said, putting my hand on my stomach.
"Oh my gosh, there's a baby coming!" Tracy yelled. I began to feel these sharp excruciating
"AH!" I made a bloody scream.
"We need to get you to the hospital," Macy directed, quickly taking me outside and putting me into her car.
And with that, she sped off at what felt like 100 mph. I was sitting in the backseat breathing hard, feeling multiple pains. "Oh my GOSH!" I screamed out in her small car. I clutched my round belly. "Hold on Piper, we're almost there."
And that was the last thing I heard Macy say before we arrived at the hospital.
Scroll down for Chapter 8!
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Chapter 8 Description:
Piper gets home from the hospital with her newborn baby. She moves to an apartment then someone unexpected comes to visit her. Lots of fighting occurs and some secrets are exposed. What is it all about? Read to find out! Enjoy.
I want to warn you that there is some cussing in this chapter... so please don't read this if you can't stand a few bad words.
"Push, you're almost there," was all I heard from that painful time in the hospital. All I remember is laying down with my legs bent and parted, trying to use all my might to get my child out of me. Then the next thing I knew, they were pulling a bloody, screaming baby from me.
But now, I was sitting in the back of a taxi with my baby cradled in my arms waiting for the taxi to stop at my home. Her name was Marley and she weighed seven pounds and six ounces. I looked down at her small face as she carefully wrapped her small hand around my finger. 'If only you had a different father,' I thought, rubbing my thumb across her small fingers while she still had a grasp at my finger.
Soon enough, the taxi arrived at my house and I tipped the driver. I stepped out of the car and walked inside. Like usual, no one was home. So then I just went upstairs.
In my room, I had my old crib and a stuffed bear that Sadie bought for Marley. I laid her in the crib and then went over to my computer.
After being in the hospital for what felt like forever, which it really wasn't that long, I decided I needed my own place. I was almost twenty years old, as of two more weeks, and I was ready to be on my own to raise my child.
I searched the internet for an apartment. I searched and I searched. A lot of apartments were either located by people who were victims of a crime or were just plain crappy. Then I found an apartment complex that looked familiar.
'Wait a second,' I thought, staring at my computer screen hard, making my eyes water because I was so close, 'This is where Sadie lives!' I immediately decided I wanted to buy it. I knew that Sadie's apartment was pretty awesome, so why shouldn't I have an awesome apartment also?
Later on, I finally got my apartment. It was quite empty, for I hadn't bought much furniture yet. I only had the furniture from my room.
I placed Marley in her crib when all of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. I walked over to it and opened it up.
There stood Macy. "Macy? How do you know where I live?" I asked her.
"Well, actually, I asked Felix if he knew where you lived, which he did. So then I went to your house and your Aunt was there and she told me that you moved, then she gave me your address and I drove all the way from there to here to see you now," Macy rambled out.
"Okay...well come on in." She walked inside my small apartment.
"Wow, it's really empty."
Then she turned back to me, "Okay, well the reason that I came over here is that I want to tell you some really exciting news." 'Great, what is it now?' I spoke in my head. "Are you ready?" I nodded my head. "Okay,...FELIX PROPOSED TO ME!"
She screamed so loud, Marley started crying. I rushed over to her trying to silence her. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," Macy apologized.
I picked up Marley and gently bounced while rubbing her back. "Sssh," I sounded, trying to quiet her.
Once she was quieted, I walked back over to Macy.
"He did?" I asked.
"Yes!" Macy yelled, then quickly turned into a whisper tone, "I mean, yes, he did. Aren't you excited?" 'Excited?! Are you fucking kidding me?! I WAS SUPPOSED TO FALL MAGICALLY IN LOVE WITH FELIX, NOT YOU!' I screamed in my head, but I kept my poker face.
"Yeah, I'm very excited for the both of you," I said, showing a fake smile.
"Oh my gosh, I'm very excited also. When you were in the hospital, Felix took me to that, uh, small park on the edge of town and proposed to me there. There were birds chirping, butterflies fluttering their wings, and flowers everywhere. It was so peaceful and so, romantic. I love him to death, Piper. I really do. I can't wait until the wedding. I was hoping we could do it outdoors since I was already so inspired from his proposal spot. I want a beautiful white dress. I either want it to be short, or nice and big. I'm already planning the wedding out. I've hired a wedding planner to sort out the deeds. It's going to be beautiful! After we're married, we're going to go on our honeymoon. I hope we could get a private beach and well, you know, make love to each other," she rambled.
I felt like I was falling sleep just hearing her go on, and on, about how lovely everything is going to be.
I looked down at Marley and heck, she was already asleep. "Oh! And I almost forgot, I want you to be my maid of honor." I awoke from my sleepy daze.
"Me?" I asked, surprised.
"Yes, you! You are such a good friend of mine, so of course I want you to be in my wedding!" 'Gosh, I'm such a good friend. If she could hear my thoughts, I swear, she would have me decapitated by now,' I thought. Then the doorbell rang. I walked over to the door and opened it up.
Sadie was standing there. "Hey, buddy! How you doing?" she said, then invited herself inside. 'Oh shit,' I thought. She turned the corner and saw Macy. She froze.
"What the hell are you doing here in Piper's apartment?" Sadie asked, boldly.
"Uh, she's my friend too," Macy responded. 'Oh crap,' I thought.
Sadie turned to me, "Friend?"
"Um, yeah," I stuttered out, nervously wrapping my hair around my finger. I walked pass Sadie and put Marley in her crib.
"Yeah, she's my friend, there's no rule against it," I heard Macy say.
"Piper, I was trying to protect you from this bitch. She was kissing YOUR boyfriend. Even after the fact that Johnny raped you and gave you that child, I was still trying to keep you away from all of this!" she scolded me.
"You were raped?" Macy asked.
"Um.....yeah," I confessed. Sadie turned back to Macy.
"Yes, and I bet it was because of YOU that he raped her. He probably felt like Piper didn't give enough into the relationship so he raped her. He probably thought you were better than her, so he raped her. He probably wanted to get her done and over with so he could be sleeping with you, you fucking SLUT!" Sadie shouted. Marley began to cry again in her crib.
"He chose ME, bitch. Those are the keywords. He chose ME, he chose to have ME, he chose to rape Piper. I had nothing to DO WITH IT! I HAD NO CLUE HE WAS DATING ANYONE ELSE! IF ANYONE SHOULD BE SAD, IT'S ME!" Macy yelled selfishly.
"YOU should be sad? What the hell got in your fucking HEAD?! YOU weren't the one who got RAPED! YOU were actually treated the right way! YOU didn't get PREGNANT AND PRODUCE A CHILD OF THE RAPER!" Sadie screamed back. I was getting very angry inside.
Sadie turned to me, "Piper, do you want this asshole to be your best friend? I'M your best friend! HOW COME YOU CHOSE HER OVER ME?! IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE FRIENDS WITH HER, I MIGHT AS WELL NOT BE FRIENDS WITH YOU!" I was really pissed off. I couldn't believe she would say that.
"Just, get out," I said firmly to the both of them.
"What?" Macy and Sadie both questioned.
"Get, out," I said again.
"But Piper,-" Macy said, sympathetically.
"GET OUT OF MY FUCKING APARTMENT AND GET OUT OF MY FUCKING LIFE! IF YOU TWO DON'T WANT TO BE NICE TO EACH OTHER AROUND ME AND MY CHILD, THEN GET OUT OR I WILL KICK YOU OUT!" I screamed at them. Sadie's face looked mournfully at me. Then she acted like she was about to speak, but then decided not to and walked out. Macy followed behind her.
When the door finally shut, I burst out crying. I was so stressed out and didn't know what to do anymore. I turned and looked down at Marley, who was balling her eyes out.
I picked her up and cried with her. Tears were flowing down my cheeks and onto my shirt. I held Marley close and felt her warmth against my body. She was the only one I had at the moment...she was my everything, and nothing, NOTHING, was going to change that.
Does this mean Sadie isn't friends with Piper anymore? What about Felix's engagement to Macy, do you think that's right? Will Piper survive or will she give in to the pressure on her life right now and do something risky? Will chapter 9 have the answers to these questions? Yes, yes it will. Click the picture to go to Chapter 9 :)