Piper is surprised when getting an unexpected visit on her day out. Things get out of control and somebody dies. Sadie finds out some devastating news and Andrew wishes to be with Piper. What's happening? Read to find out! Enjoy.

“I haven’t talked to Johnny ever since the night he raped me!” I screamed out to Sadie; people who were nearby gave us strange looks. I was completely petrified of Johnny. We quickly got up and Sadie grabbed all of the food. I tried to get my legs back over the bench, but instead, my body twisted and I ended up with my hands on the stones, and my belly on the bench.

“You,” he said, I smelt a waft of beer come off of the tip of his tongue. His eyes were dilated and his posture was in a slouch.
“Johnny, you’re drunk,” I said, beginning to step back.

“Get off me, Johnny!” I said, pushing his hands off my body.

“Go away Johnny,” I heard Sadie’s voice say. I turned my head back around and she was now standing beside me.
“Fuck you, bitch. She’s mine,” Johnny said, he took his hand and grabbed my butt.
“Stop!” I yelled out. I took a few steps back.

"Let's go Piper," Sadie said, walking to the picnic table and grabbing the food.

I started to run, and once Sadie looked back to see what I was running from, she began to sprint also. We got into my car, I in the driver's seat and Sadie in the passenger's seat, and we sped out of that parking lot like there was no tomorrow. We wanted to get away from my crazy ex.

"What is it?" I asked, as I glanced at her then back at the road, keeping my two hands on the wheel.
"He's coming after us! He's drunk and he's DRIVING!" she shrieked.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit," I kept repeating over and over out loud.

"See ya," I responded, then I turned my attention back to the words on the card. It said that the reception was going to be held at some recreational building.

"Why can't I see it?" she asked.
"Um,... because," I responded.

"You just can't, okay?" I said, still holding the card and torn envelope behind my back.
"Okay," she said. She stood silent for a moment. Then, like a quick cheetah, she sprung at me. I quickly held the card out, trying to get her to not grab it.
"Just let me see it!" she yelled as she was grabbing at my arm.
"No!" I yelled back. Then she twisted my arm. I yelped in pain. She grabbed the card out of my hand. Then finally, she let go of my arm and started to read.

"Felix Dane?" she read out loud, "My cousin, Felix Dane?"
"Um, yeah," I responded.
"And he's marrying," she read off the card, "Macy Patrick? Who the heck is that?"
"Well, it's sort of-"

"Yeah I guess," I said, giving an unfortunate look.

"Yeah, I wish it wasn't true either," I responded back.
"Did you know about this?" she targeted me.

"You did know about this, didn't you!" she yelled.
"Yes. It was when Macy was over at my apartment and that's when she told me about it. Then you came over and the two of you started bickering."
"Oh." She stood silent. "Okay then."

"Hey," I responded back. The both of us sat on the couch, where we usually sat. And then he jumped right into the real reason why I was there.

"What is it?" I questioned.
"Well, we could either go to Le Diner François-"

"Okay, then. My other idea is we could go to my house and just have dinner there."
"I like that idea, but I don't know where you live."

"Do you know where I live?"
"Well not quite, but if you give me your address..."
"Do you have paper and a pen?" He got up from the couch and grabbed a small piece of paper and a pencil. He came back, and handed it to me. I wrote my name and address on the paper and handed it back to him.
"How about I pick you up tomorrow night at seven o'clock?"

Scroll down for Chapter 12!
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Chapter 12 Description:
Piper gets a new look and goes out on a date with Andrew (you know, her cute therapist?). Will things work out for her? Or will things just go to the dumps? (Like they usually do) Read to find out! Enjoy.

Once I got home from the therapist office, I stood in front of my mirror in the bathroom and looked at myself. "Piper," I talked to myself, "don't you think it's time for some change? Well, since you might be getting a new boyfriend, you might just ought to improve yourself. This hair on top of your head is too long! It's too much to take care of. So how about we head on down to that fancy salon and get a new 'do, sound good to you?" I shook my head in the mirror, and walked out of the restroom. Boy, was I weird.

I drove all the way back to that same hair salon where I got my haircut with Macy. It seemed a better place to go to rather than the usual chop shop I went to, which didn't even cut my hair straight and even at the bottom. That's why I always wore it in a side ponytail.

After I arrived at the salon, I simply walked in...

...and walked right back out with shorter, lighter, and healthier hair. I pranced back to my car to drive back to my house.

The next day, I spent the most of my day with Marley. I held her very gently. She gave a little burp as I was done feeding her. I chuckled and tickled her small little belly. She then smiled, giggled, and squirmed in my arms. I looked in to her eyes, her small green eyes. She looked a lot like Johnny. "I'm sorry you don't have a father anymore," I spoke to her. I hated, literally HATED, the fact that Marley would never be able to know her father. I felt like it was all my fault. But then again, I knew it wasn't. He was the one who was drinking, not me...he was the one who killed himself. Marley was still staring up at me. I could tell by the expression on her face that she was wondering what I was thinking about.

I put her back into the crib and gave her a small kiss on the forehead. I loved her so much.
I exited the room and went into my bedroom to get prepared for the date I was going to have with Andrew.
I exited the room and went into my bedroom to get prepared for the date I was going to have with Andrew.

After getting ready, I noticed a figure in my bedroom mirror. It looked as if someone else was standing in my room with me. But I could only see them when I looked at the mirror. I stepped closer to the mirror to see what it was. I couldn't quite tell, it was just this dark, creepy figure standing in the corner. I didn't feel scared, because I've seen stuff like this before. I've always believed it was my eyes playing tricks on me.

I turned my direction to the corner of the room where I saw the figure standing. Of course, nothing was there.

But once I turned back to the mirror, a sudden impact of pain came on. It felt like someone punched me in the stomach. I crouched down to the ground. My body ached and I was shivering. I examined my hands and they were pale white. I struggled breathing, and I couldn't move. My body felt paralyzed, like someone was pinning me down. I closed my eyes and I yelled out for any help.

I couldn't move, my body was becoming numb, and all I could do was lay there. I still kept my eyes shut, hoping it would all end. Suddenly, I heard my bedroom door open.

I kept my eyes sealed, not wanting to see who was walking through the door. Without warning, it felt like someone was shaking my shoulders. Next, I heard a faint man's voice say my name, "Piper, Piper, Piper." He kept repeating it over and over again.

I finally decided to open my eyes, and as quickly as I did that, the pain was gone and I was looking up at Andrew. "Piper, are you all right?" he asked; he had his hands on my shoulders. I looked around, clueless of what just happened. I was still laying on the floor in front of my bedroom mirror. "Piper, are you all right?" Andrew repeated again. I sat up and clutched my skull. I blinked a few times, trying to get in touch with reality. "Piper, please say something," Andrew said.

"I'm okay," I said.
"Are you sure?" he asked. I took a few seconds to think. 'What the hell just happened?' I thought.
"I think I'm going to be fine, can we just go?" I asked him.
"Yeah, of course," he said, helping me up. I left Marley with the babysitter who arrived shortly after Andrew arrived, and then Andrew and I drove to his house to have our date.

Andrew had this nice little house on the edge of town.

When we walked inside, there was a picnic blanket lying in the middle of the living room floor. Andrew grabbed my hand led us to the set up. We sat down.

"Okay, so what I have planned for us tonight is we eat our lovely dinner here, and then we're going to sit on the couch and watch a movie," he said, smiling at me and pulling food out of the basket.
"Sounds good to me," I laughed. I started digging through the picnic basket for something to eat.
"So, when am I going to be able to meet your daughter of yours?" Andrew asked.

"Oh, um, I don't know. Do you really want to meet her that bad?" I asked.
"I don't know. I just want to meet her sometime."
"Okay. We'll arrange that sometime, since she has such a busy schedule with diaper changes, burping times, nap time, the usual." He chuckled.
"Sounds fun. Say, did you get something done with your hair?" he asked.
"Yeah, I just got it cut yesterday."
"I like it, a lot."

Later on, after we were finished eating, we decided to pick out a movie to watch.

"Okay, so do you want to watch this movie or this one?" Andrew asked, sitting in front of the TV while holding up two DVDs. I was sitting on the couch trying to waver on which movie was better.
"Um, the one in your right hand looks interesting," I told him.
"This one?" he said, moving the one in his right hand.
"Yeah," I responded.
"Okay then." He put the other movie back in with the other DVDs and slid the one we were going to watch into the DVD player.

He got up off the floor and sat down on the couch next to me. He clicked 'play' on the television remote and the movie started.

It was a romantic movie, hint: that's why I picked it. And it was very funny in some parts.

Okay, so it was more of a romantic comedy. But then there were some parts in the movie where it seemed timeless, and so romantic.

I focused in more on these parts. I even imagined Andrew and I being the actors instead of the guy and girl actors in the movie...

"Andrew, we can't stay together," I imagined myself being the girl actor.
"But why?" I imagined Andrew being the guy actor. He was stroking my cheek.
"You know we won't last, we won't last forever. And I'm afraid of breaking your heart," I said grabbing his hand.
"You will not break my heart, we have a love that could last an eternity."
"But what is our love? I mean, we have only known each other for a year, so how will we make it in this world? And plus, there are millions of other girls who would want to be with you," I said; I let go of his hand and looked at the ground.

"But there's only one girl I love the most," Andrew said, grabbing my hands.
"Who's that?" I looked up at his eyes.
"It's you. I want to be with you, forever."
"What do you mean?" He knelt down on one knee still holding onto my hands.

"Piper, what I mean is, I want to marry you. You are the one I love, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I can't live one second without you." He pulled a small box out of his pocket. He opened the box in front of me, exposing the ring inside.

"So Piper, will you be my wife?" The ring shined brightly at me.
"Yes," I said, smiling, and filled with joy, "I will be your wife."

Andrew took the ring out of the box and slid it on my finger. It fit me perfectly.

He stood up and we kissed. It was passionate and romantic.

I smiled while watching the movie scene. A tear trickled down my face. It was a joyful tear. But then I noticed a warmth around my neck. I looked to my left and Andrew's hand was sitting there. He had his arm around me, comforting me.

I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder. He hugged his arm around me tighter. And we stayed like that for the rest of the movie. I hadn't experienced anything more comforting.

"Piper," I heard, "Piper, wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes. 'Did I fall asleep?' I thought. I saw Andrew. He pushed my bangs slightly out of my face. He smiled at me. I stared at his beautiful blue eyes. "You fell asleep near the end of the movie," he told me. 'Yep,' I answered in my head. I noticed that the both of us were still sitting on the couch. Andrew was facing me with his left arm still over my shoulder. "Do you want me to drive you home?" he asked me.
"Yeah," I answered. He got up off of the couch first and held out his hand. I grabbed it and stood up. We went out to his car.
"Yeah," I answered. He got up off of the couch first and held out his hand. I grabbed it and stood up. We went out to his car.

We arrived at my apartment complex, and Andrew walked with me up to my apartment door. "I had a great time tonight," I said once we reached my door.
"I did to," Andrew responded. I smiled at him and looked at his eyes and then his lips. We stood there for what felt like a minute. Andrew leaned into me. Time slowed down.
"I did to," Andrew responded. I smiled at him and looked at his eyes and then his lips. We stood there for what felt like a minute. Andrew leaned into me. Time slowed down.

I looked at his lips and then, we connected. I began to kiss him softly.

He took his arms and hugged my body. I did the same. My heart fluttered, I hadn't been kissed so passionately and gently like that in a very long time. We kept kissing, it felt like time stopped for us. We came apart. Our eyes stared at each other and the both of us were smiling from ear to ear. Then Andrew leaned in again and kissed me again.

It was pure magic. It's hard to explain how good it felt.

Once we stopped kissing, we held hands, and said nothing. We were speaking through our body language. I began to walk to the door and grabbed the handle. One of my hands was still grasped by Andrew. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He slowly let go of my hand, and I walked inside my apartment.

I slowly closed the door and leaned my back against it. I let a puff of air out and smiled to myself. I slid down the door and sat on the floor. I was overfilled with joy. I was on cloud 9.
"Fun night?" I heard a girl say. I jumped. I forgot the babysitter was there.
"Fun night?" I heard a girl say. I jumped. I forgot the babysitter was there.

I looked over at her and smiled.
"It was great," I said. Just lovely.
"It was great," I said. Just lovely.
So do you think Piper and Andrew make a perfect match? Or do you think they won't work out? Click the picture for Chapter 13!