Chapter 3 Description:
After inviting Felix to stay the night over at her house, Piper starts developing unknown feelings for him. She is startled awake during the night, and ends up in Felix's room...so what's going to happen? Well, actually, I'm not going to tell you. Read to find out! Enjoy.

I escorted Aunt Olivia up the stairs to my room. If she stayed downstairs, who knows what she would do next.

"Its fine," he said lying back on the bed, "I just hope I can get back to sleep." I walked over and lay down beside him.

"No, I want you to stay here, it's better than you sleeping out on the streets," I said. We laid in silence. We said nothing for about two minutes until all of a sudden, he grabbed my hand. I twitched at the action but he only held tighter.
He turned his head and said, "Thank you."
I looked at him and then finally said, "Your wel-"
"-not just for letting me stay here, but for just being yourself," he interrupted. "It feels like we were already friends before all of this. And thanks for caring about me." I sat in silence; I was utterly speechless. All I did was smile and just processed the words through my mind.

Scroll down for Chapter 4!
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Chapter 4 Description:
Piper wakes up from a mysterious dream. She goes to work and then later on finds out some revealing news. What's the big news about? Read to find out! Enjoy.

'Oh my gosh!' I shouted in my head as I woke up, gasping for air.

I got up from the couch and found out that I had a splitting headache. 'Who was that girl in my dream?' I wondered. I traveled around the couch to Aunt Olivia's bedroom.

I walked in and found the bed empty. 'Why did Felix leave so soon?' I thought. But I had no time to think anymore, I had a job to go to. I rushed upstairs and saw Aunt Olivia still knocked out in my bed.

'This woman has some serious problems,' I thought. I quickly opened my dresser and picked out comfortable clothes to go to work in. Then I headed back downstairs and out of the house to go to my job.

When I arrived at the school building, and walked into the room I was supposed to be in, I was greeted by one of my adoring children. And no, I don’t actually have children; I worked as a daycare provider. “Hi Miss Piper!” Alexis said; she’s one of the girl’s at the daycare.
“Hi hun,” I said, hugging her. I saw the two other daycare providers I worked with: Trinity and Heather.
“Hi hun,” I said, hugging her. I saw the two other daycare providers I worked with: Trinity and Heather.

Trinity had long, strawberry blonde hair, wore glasses, and always had on a sweater of some kind because she was so skinny and cold all of the time, even in the summer.

Heather was an African American and had gorgeous dark brown hair, it almost looked black. She had it curled off to the side, sitting on her shoulder.

I walked over to Trinity. “Hey, what are our plans to do today?” I asked.
“Well, I think we’re going to do the sharing circle, paint, go outside to play, have lunch time, then nap time…”
“Well, I think we’re going to do the sharing circle, paint, go outside to play, have lunch time, then nap time…”

The rest I didn’t quite hear because I got distracted when I saw one of the daycare boys, Carl, who was fighting with his sister, Ginger.

“Hey! Carl, there is no need to do that to your sister,” I said, walking over to him, grabbing his small hand. I escorted him to a seat in a corner.
“I don’t want to go!” he screamed, trying to get released from my grasp.
“No, sit,” I sternly said, forcing him to sit in the chair. He began to get up from the seat.
“I don’t want to go!” he screamed, trying to get released from my grasp.
“No, sit,” I sternly said, forcing him to sit in the chair. He began to get up from the seat.

“Carl, if you do not sit in this seat and pay for what you have done, there will be no outside play time for you,” I said, plopping him back down in the seat. I gave him a serious look then walked away.
“Alright everyone, come to the sharing circle!” Heather said standing on the rug. The little ones all ran to her feet then sat down. “Does anyone have anything to share today?” Heather asked everyone.
I, on the other hand, had to really go to the bathroom. I have been expecting my period for the past week, but still nothing had happened. I became suspicious.
The days past and I still didn’t get anything. Nothing. I waited and waited, but it just seemed useless. I reported to Sadie.
“I think I’m pregnant,” I confessed to Sadie while standing inside her small apartment.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Well, I’m not totally sure but I think it could be a possibility.”
“Have you taken a pregnancy test?”
"Well what are we waiting for then? Let's find out if you're pregnant!" So with that, we headed off to the store to buy a test.
At the store, we walked down isles and isles until we found what we were looking for. "Here we go," Sadie said picking off a box from the shelf.
"Are you sure that will be accurate?" I asked her.
"Yes, I used it and my test came out negative. Does it look like I'm pregnant?" I shook my head. "Now see, we are going to buy this one." 'Can't argue with that I guess,' I thought. I followed her as she headed toward the front of the store.
We went to my house and I took the test. Sadie and I stood in the bathroom waiting for the stick to dry. "What are you going to name it?" Sadie asked, breaking the silence.
"And how do you know that this test will come out positive?" I asked leaning over the sink.
"I just have my guesses. So, what's the name going to be?"
"I really like the name Marley."
"Marley? Yeah, I guess that's a unique name. And plus it's a unisex name so it could be a boy or a girl name." I nodded my head and looked back down in the sink at the stick.
"I think it's done," I said picking up the stick. I held it up above my face and saw a small green plus sign. I placed it back in the sink and looked at Sadie. "I guess I'm pregnant," I said, giving her an unfortunate look.
She pulled me into a hug and a tear slowly formed and traced down my cheek. 'I have a baby inside of me,' I thought, 'A baby.'

“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Well, I’m not totally sure but I think it could be a possibility.”
“Have you taken a pregnancy test?”
"Well what are we waiting for then? Let's find out if you're pregnant!" So with that, we headed off to the store to buy a test.

"Are you sure that will be accurate?" I asked her.
"Yes, I used it and my test came out negative. Does it look like I'm pregnant?" I shook my head. "Now see, we are going to buy this one." 'Can't argue with that I guess,' I thought. I followed her as she headed toward the front of the store.
We went to my house and I took the test. Sadie and I stood in the bathroom waiting for the stick to dry. "What are you going to name it?" Sadie asked, breaking the silence.
"And how do you know that this test will come out positive?" I asked leaning over the sink.
"I just have my guesses. So, what's the name going to be?"
"I really like the name Marley."
"Marley? Yeah, I guess that's a unique name. And plus it's a unisex name so it could be a boy or a girl name." I nodded my head and looked back down in the sink at the stick.

Piper's pregnant, so now what? Click the picture to go to Chapter 5! :)