Piper, who is now six months pregnant, sets out to find Felix (the one she truly loves...well, maybe). Once she finds him, she finds out some things and comes up with a plan. What is it all about, you ask? Read to find out! Enjoy.

"I'm pregnant, as you may be able to tell," I said.
"Is it like your boyfriend's or something?" he asked.
"No- well, my ex-boyfriend's. I'm just going to be raising it on my own I guess."
"Oh." We stood in silence. An awkward silence actually.

"Uh, no. Actually I'm living with my girlfriend right now," he said. My heart sank.
"Well I guess that's nice to hear," I said, giving a disappointed smile.
"You can visit some time, you know. Here, I'll give you the address," he said, pulling a pencil and notepad out of his back pocket. He wrote on the paper and tore off the top piece. He handed it to me.

"I've got to go, Macy and I are going on a date tonight."
"Macy, is my girlfriend's name."
"Oh. Where are you going on a date?"
"We're planning to eat at Le Diner François."
"Isn't that restaurant really expensive?"
"Yeah, but the both of us saved our money for this special night."
"Oh, how lovely. Uh, I mean, that sounds great."
"Yeah, well, I'll talk to you later."
"Okay bye."

Scroll down for Chapter 6!
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Chapter 6 Description:
Piper goes to the restauraunt to "stalk" Felix and his girlfriend. Some interesting things happen and Piper ends up doing something with someone that she wished she didn't agree to. What is it? Read to find out! Enjoy.

The sun slowly reached the horizon and set a light pink color across the sky. I would usually be enjoying this peaceful, beautiful scene but I was viciously digging through my aunt’s dresser drawers, trying to find her spare credit card. I was going to use this credit card to pay for the dinner I would be having at Le Diner François when stalking Felix and his apparent “girlfriend.”

‘Where is it?’ I screamed in my head as I dug pounds and pounds of clothes out of Aunt Olivia’s dresser. I was on the last drawer when my hand hit this hard, silver box. I opened it up and found the credit card lying on the bottom. I danced in victory on top of the clothes on the floor and then hurried to get Olivia’s things back into her dresser. She wasn’t home luckily and I had time to search and clean everything up.
I finally wiped the sweat off my forehead as I closed the last drawer stuffed with clothes. I slid the credit card in my billfold, and then hurried up the stairs to find a dress to wear.
I finally wiped the sweat off my forehead as I closed the last drawer stuffed with clothes. I slid the credit card in my billfold, and then hurried up the stairs to find a dress to wear.

I found a loose red dress and I put my hair down. Then, once I was done “dressing” myself, I left the house and drove to the restaurant.

The small French restaurant was all the way across town from where I lived. When I finally parked my car, I got out and walked up to the door entrance. I walked in the restaurant and it just seemed quiet and peaceful...and surprisingly not busy.

There was a woman with silky blonde hair standing at a podium right by the door. I walked up to her and she asked, “Reservation name?”
"Johnson,” I responded. She flipped through a booklet and then finally said, “Right this way.” She left the podium and I followed her as she walked up to a table and pointed at it. I sat down and she said as she walked off, “Enjoy your evening.”
"Johnson,” I responded. She flipped through a booklet and then finally said, “Right this way.” She left the podium and I followed her as she walked up to a table and pointed at it. I sat down and she said as she walked off, “Enjoy your evening.”
I peered around the restaurant to see if Felix and his girlfriend were there. ‘I hope I’m not too late,’ I thought as a waiter walked up to my table.

“Hello miss, my name is James and I will be your lovely waiter for the evening,” the waiter said as he placed a menu in front of me, “What would you like to drink this evening?”
“Red wine would be nice,” I requested as he scribbled something on a scratch of paper and walked away. I looked around the restaurant but there was still no sign of Felix and girlfriend.
“Red wine would be nice,” I requested as he scribbled something on a scratch of paper and walked away. I looked around the restaurant but there was still no sign of Felix and girlfriend.

But it was when I turned my body all the way around that I saw him just sitting down at a table by the restrooms. 'Well where is his girlfriend?' I questioned in my head.

And then as soon after I thought that thought, a woman with fairly long, deep red, wavy hair walked up to where he was sitting at.

Felix stood up from his seat and gave her a huge smooch. I actually think he used a little tongue. 'Well, okay, that must be his girlfriend then,' I thought. But then, it felt like I knew who this woman was also.

Her hair, her shape, everything. And then, BAM!, it hit me like a slap in the face. I knew exactly who she was. I turned myself back around.

'How can it be?' I thought, 'How can Felix be dating that sl*t?! This isn't right, so not right.' The waiter came back with the red wine.

"What would you like to eat?" he asked.
"Um, I'm not going to eat anything this evening," I said.
"Oh, okay then." He walked away.
"Um, I'm not going to eat anything this evening," I said.
"Oh, okay then." He walked away.

I took a sip of the wine and then got up. I was going to make sure that this woman was who I thought she was. My plan was to head to the restroom, then take a simple glance at her face as I walked by. But I also had to make sure Felix didn't see me because then he would really think I was a creeper.
I began to walk towards their table.

I looked at Felix. He was stunning in his suit. He had his eyes all over that woman; Macy was her name. She was the same Macy who was half naked with Johnny.

It was all too familiar.

My heart began to speed up as I was approaching closer and closer. Then once I was practically at the location of their table, I slightly turned my head and had eye contact with Macy.

She was drinking wine out of her glass and when she saw me, she began to choke.

I quickly rushed into the bathroom. I heard Felix start asking her if she was alright and then the bathroom door shut behind me silencing it all.

I breathed in a deep breath of air and then let it out. I looked at myself in the mirror. My face was quite red and my belly was still bulging from under my dress. 'I can't believe that that Macy-woman-person whoever she is, is dating Felix. She seems so wrong for him,' I thought. I splashed my face with cold water.

Then, the next thing I knew, the restroom door opened and there walked in Macy. High heels and all, with her tight dress and big boobs.

At first, she didn't say anything, all she did was look at herself in the mirror to tweak the makeup plastered on her face. She acted as if I wasn't even there. Then she stood back up straight, turned to me, and looked me dead in the eye.

And I'm serious, I felt like I was slowly dying. Like her evil glare would just melt me to the ground and burn every bit and piece of my soul.

I saw myself, in her eyes, pleading for help.

"I know you, don't I?" she finally spoke. I stood in silence. I was afraid of saying the wrong thing. "Yeah, your friends with that bitch that fucking tore a whole bunch hair out of my head, aren't you?" she hissed.
"Uh-, um, yeah," I managed to stutter out. Then her piercing eyes moved down my body to my stomach.

"I can see that you got busy," she said, pointing to my stomach, "Do you know who the father is?"
"Yeah." We stood in silence.

She turned back to the mirror to gussy up.
"What's your name?" she said, touching up on her face once more.
"Well Piper, you aren't as bad as I thought you were." I felt relieved, the harsh look on her face turned into a soft, relaxed face. She turned back to me.

"We should hang out sometime," she suggested. I was flabbergasted. Just a minute ago, she looked like she was about to bite my head off.
"Um, yeah, that sounds like fun," I responded, my voice was still a little shaky and uncertain.
"Here, I'll give you my address. Are you doing anything in two weeks?" she asked me, taking a pen and gum wrapper out of her small billfold.
"Um, yeah, that sounds like fun," I responded, my voice was still a little shaky and uncertain.
"Here, I'll give you my address. Are you doing anything in two weeks?" she asked me, taking a pen and gum wrapper out of her small billfold.

"I don't believe so."
"Great! You can just come over to my house in exactly two more weeks and we'll go shopping or something. The reason that I'm asking for two weeks is because my boyfriend and I are taking a trip to Hawaii."
"So does shopping in two more weeks sound good to you?"
"Yeah, great."
"Okay, here you go. Just come by sometime after lunch on that day," she said, handing me the gum wrapper with her address on it, even though I already had her address.
"Okay, I will."
"Great! You can just come over to my house in exactly two more weeks and we'll go shopping or something. The reason that I'm asking for two weeks is because my boyfriend and I are taking a trip to Hawaii."
"So does shopping in two more weeks sound good to you?"
"Yeah, great."
"Okay, here you go. Just come by sometime after lunch on that day," she said, handing me the gum wrapper with her address on it, even though I already had her address.
"Okay, I will."

Then she turned around and left the restroom. I stood there frozen. 'I can't believe I'm going to be hanging out with my best friend's worst enemy,' I thought. And then I left the restroom.
What is Macy planning to do with Piper? Is Piper going to have a new bff? Is Felix ever going to find out that Piper was stalking him and Macy? Where will you find all the answers to these questions? In chapter 7 of course! Click the picture to go to Chapter 7 (: