Wedding time! Yes, it is Felix's and Macy's wedding day. Of course, everyone is invited and it turns out to be okay. Piper and Andrew have been dating for three months and Sadie has a new boyfriend (He's kind of hot. Which, you don't see much of him in this chapter, but you will in the future). Everything is going fine until Piper sees an unexpected sight at the wedding reception. And I'll tell you, Macy might not be too happy about it. What does Piper see? Read to find out! Enjoy.

“Um, yeah,” I responded.
“Eek!” she squealed and did a little happy dance, “I’m so excited!” Did I seem excited? No, not really. She wanted me to be the bride of honor. Me. I wasn't that thrilled about it all.

Scroll down for Chapter 14!
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Chapter 14 Description:
In this chapter, you get to find out if Felix was actually cheating on his wife, Macy, or not. Afterwards, we advance one year and show Marley be her clumsy, one year old self. Everything goes fine with Marley until she ends up missing. What the heck happens with Marley? Read to find out! Enjoy.

I stood there, still looking at the two of them making out on the couch. I was trying to figure out if I could go up and confront Felix, or run and go tell someone else. I chose to run. I went back into the big room that the reception was being held at.

I rushed in my high heels to Sadie, who was still sitting at the table with her boyfriend and Andrew. I took a second to get my breath, resting my hand on the table. Boy, was I not in good shape.

"I thought you went to the restroom," Sadie said, looking up at me.
"Well I was going to, when I heard something," I tried to explain. I sat down in the seat at the end of the table by Sadie.
"Well I was going to, when I heard something," I tried to explain. I sat down in the seat at the end of the table by Sadie.

"What'd you here?" Parker, Sadie's boyfriend, asked, getting into the conversation. I cleared my throat.
"Well, when I was heading to the restroom, I heard something come out of an open room. I peeked in there and saw two people sitting on the couch," I told him.
"Well, when I was heading to the restroom, I heard something come out of an open room. I peeked in there and saw two people sitting on the couch," I told him.

"Who was sitting on the couch?" Andrew asked, now getting into the conversation.

"Well, these two people were making out. And I couldn't exactly see their faces. It was this blonde-haired chick and who I think was Felix," I said.
"So you don't know if it's Felix?" Sadie questioned.
"Yeah, not really. All I saw was the back of his head, so I don't know if it was him or not," I replied.

Parker suddenly stood up.
"What are you doing hun?" Sadie asked him.
"I'm going to see if that was actually Felix," he responded. Andrew stood up also.
"I'm coming with you," he told Parker.

Then the both of them walked away.

"Gosh, I hope I'm wrong," I said to Sadie.
"Yeah me too," she responded.

I looked over and saw Macy who was still out on the dance floor, dancing her ass off. I looked around the room to see if Felix was going to be standing somewhere, but he wasn't.

Minutes later, the guys came back. And they were smiling. Hopefully it was because they had good news. Parker walked around the table and sat down beside Sadie. Andrew sat down by me.

"What are you guys smiling about? It's not him, right?" I asked, really eager for an answer.
"No, it's not him. It's Felix's younger brother," Andrew said, looking straight at me.
"Are you sure?" Sadie asked.

"Yeah. We walked into the make out session and stopped it all," Parker started to explain, "It definitely wasn't Felix at all. Chance, you know, Felix's younger brother, was making out with some chick who had the biggest-." He stopped there. "Um never mind. But I'm guessing it was his girlfriend," he said, nervously smiling at Sadie.

"Well thank goodness for that," I said relieved. "But wait, where is Felix then?" I asked everyone. Everyone looked around as if Felix was just going to be standing in one corner of the room. Then I saw Macy stop dancing and started to walk toward our table. "Do you know where Felix is at?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she stopped and caught her breath, "he went to go get the wedding cake because the wedding cake delivery guys, or whatever their names are, didn't deliver our cake to us. He took a few other friends with him to help him out. Does that answer your question?"
"Um, yes. Yes it does," I answered.

Then the next the thing we knew, the two people who were causing all the fuss came walking through the room's door. And now I figured out what Parker was going to say. She had the biggest, boobs. They were fake, obviously. She also dressed as if she was going to a night club. What a slut. And Felix's brother, Chance, just had a small grin plastered on his face. They were probably doing a little more than making out in there. I erased the disturbing image from my mind. Even though I didn't like Macy that much, I was glad that that wasn't Felix kissing the slutty chick. Oh, how that would have caused some problems...

Time has flown by ever since Macy and Felix's wedding. Marley was a year older and was able to toddle around on her own two feet. Although, she didn't have a thread of hair on her head. I hoped that wasn't going to be a problem in the future.

Andrew and I's relationship had been going great. He would come over to my apartment often and just sit down with Marley and play with her.

I would be standing in the kitchen area drinking coffee or something watching the two of them socialize. Every time I would see him be with Marley, I would always think of him being Marley's dad.

Marley wasn't afraid of him, and she actually said her first word in front of him. I was very astonished by that. Can you guess what her first word was? You're probably thinking it was "dad" or "daddy," but it wasn't. She said the word "love." I guess she eventually picked up the word because I always told her that I loved her.

Other than Marley and Andrew, I had plans of my own also. I had sent four letters to four different colleges that I wanted to go to. I got one letter back from each college: two said they didn't want me, and the other two did. I wanted to get a full-time job as a high school teacher. I wanted to move out of the apartment I was living in, and get a small farmhouse out in the country. I wanted Marley to have the best possible life. I wanted a spacious backyard, a swing set and playground area for Marley, a nice patio with a grill, a cute little in-ground pool, flowers galore... I had the perfect little house pictured in my mind.

Yes, I believed I had everything planned out for the rest of my life, until something happened one day. It started out like this... One sunny, happy day I was standing on the balcony of my apartment. I watched cars drive and people walk, up and down the streets. Marley was on the floor inside the apartment, playing with her stuffed bear. I turned around, walked inside, and looked at her.

She hugged the teddy bear as if it was telling her that it was cold and needed a hug. I smiled at her. Then I walked over and picked her up. She stared at me, wondering why I just did that.

"Do you want to go to the park?" I asked her.
"Yeah," she spit out in happiness.
"Yeah," she spit out in happiness.

I laughed and tickled her belly. She only squirmed and giggled. Her eyes were shut, but her mouth was open wide with a big smile.

Once I stopped, she leaned back up against my right shoulder and I walked with her out of the apartment.
I decided we could go to the park in the middle of the town, since it was the closest in walking distance.
I decided we could go to the park in the middle of the town, since it was the closest in walking distance.

When we arrived, many people were already there. I chose to have Marley and I sit at a picnic area.

"Would you like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Marley?" I asked her after I sat down beside her.
"Yeah!" she replied.
"Yeah!" she replied.

I turned my attention towards the picnic basket and started to dig through it. I found the peanut butter, but couldn't find the jelly. I kept searching and searching, and then a loose thread on the end of my blue shirt's sleeve got caught on the wicker basket. I fiddled with my fingers and tried the best I could to free the thread without ripping a big hole in my shirt sleeve. Then finally, once I used my fingers to release the thread from the basket's prison, I kept searching for the jelly. Eventually, I found it underneath the bread, which felt quite soggy. I pulled the supplies out of the basket and placed them on the red and white checkered picnic blanket. "Are you ready for a delicious sandwich?" I asked Marley, still looking down at the food. There was silence. "Marl-" I looked up towards where she sat.

But the thing was, she wasn't there. "Oh my gosh, Marley?!" I called out her name. I looked around. She wasn't anywhere. I was really starting to panic. I looked around the park, everyone was all happy and giggly like everything was great. I couldn't find Marley though.

I stood up and looked around, my heart just felt like it was going to burst. I didn't know if I was overreacting or not. My mind was in ten different places all at once. I was thinking of all the "if" and "what could happen" thoughts. It was not good. I felt like I stopped breathing...
Aren't you glad that that wasn't Felix kissing the blonde chick in the beginning? What about Marley, where do you think she went? Is Piper overreacting, or is it normal for a mother to act like that? Click the picture for Chapter 15 (: