Chapter 1 Description:
Piper, who has just been raped by her boyfriend, now has to face the world and its reality. Her life at home isn't the best and her relationship with Johnny (her boyfriend) just seems ruined. Will she ever be able to put the peices back together? Read to find out! Enjoy.
I want to warn you once again that some content in this chapter (language & sexual content...since we're talking about rape here) you might find not to your liking. If so, just exit this blog.
And if you are going to read the story, well, ENJOY! :)
I woke up on the floor of my room, tired as hell. My hazy eyes looked around my bedroom. Then I looked down at my own body. I was stripped down to just a bra and nothing else. 'Gross,' I thought, 'gross, gross, gross.' I eventually got up and rubbed my puffy eyes, yawned, and shuffled over to my dresser.
I stood there and looked at myself in the mirror above the dresser. 'This isn't real; it must have been a dream. It must have,' I tried to convince myself, getting the thought of being raped out of my mind.
I threw on a tank top and sweatpants and clumsily walked downstairs into the open, quiet kitchen. 'Is Olivia here?' I thought to myself. Olivia was my aunt/God mother. She's been taking care of me ever since my parents died in a tragic car accident when I was only eleven years old.
I walked my stiff body over to the fridge and got myself a juice box. I shut the fridge door and walked into the living room. Then I plopped down on the soft couch with my juice box in one hand and the T.V. remote in the other.
'Nothing like some Saturday morning cartoons to cheer me up,' I thought to myself sarcastically while flipping on the television. BAM! I heard the front door slam shut. I turned around and there was Aunt Olivia.
"Woo!" she yelled at the top of her voice, "That wazzz... one goods night." Her speech was slurred. She toppled and toddled around the kitchen and threw her stuff on the kitchen counter. She swayed over to the fridge and opened it. "Do we have magic juice? I have a horrible...," she stopped for breath, peering into the fridge, "...horbible migraine."
"Uh, I think we still have some it still left," I said getting up from the couch. (By the way, the "magic juice" is a drink to help get you over a hangover)
"Oh, okay." she said. I walked into the kitchen on the cold, hard floors.
"Are you drunk?" I asked her, even though I already knew the answer. I sat my half empty juice box on the counter.
"Uh, I think. Can you open this thingy mijigger?" she said giggling and handing me the jar with the magic juice. I unscrewed the jar and handed it back to her. "Thank-," she said without finishing her sentence, chugging the cold liquid down. "Ah," she said with a lazy look in her eyes and a grin on her face, "That should... do the trick."
"I think you should really get some rest," I said escorting her towards the direction of her bedroom.
"No I think-"
"No, you should get some rest," I said interrupting her. I soon enough got her to her bedroom and she literally just threw herself on the bed and started snoozing.
'I can't believe she made it home alive,' I thought to myself looking down at her sluggish body.
I stepped out of the room and decided I would go visit my best friend, Sadie. 'I don't think I can handle being around my drunken aunt with her problems, when I have problems of my own,' I thought.
I grabbed my purse and headed out.
Sadie lived in just a small apartment on the edge of town. She had a boyfriend, a great job, and a nice family. I, on the other hand, had no boyfriend, a job that hardly pays for anything, and Aunt Olivia was the only family I had.
I walked up a few flight of stairs to her door and then knocked. "Coming!" said a muffled voice beyond the door. I waited a few seconds until the door opened.
"Piper!" said Sadie, giving me a hug, "What's up?" Sadie had pale skin with freckles on her face and also had her long red hair in to two side braids. She was wearing a tight purple long sleeved shirt with shorts (that made her butt look big) and a pair of skateboard shoes...well, I think that's what they were.
I walked into her house without saying a word. "Piper?" she said, following me.
I sat down on her living room couch. "Piper, what's wrong?" she asked, sitting beside me. I shrugged while looking down at the floor, scuffing my feet back and forth. Tears began to swell in my eyes. I decided I just wanted to come out and say it.
"Last night,..." I choked out, ".....I was raped."
"Oh my gosh! By whom?" she said, surprised.
She sat still and quiet. "That son of a bitch," I heard her mumble.
"Come on," she said standing up. I looked up at her with my puffy eyes. "We are going to teach that b*stard a lesson!"
I stood up, "Sadie, please, don't do anything. I mean, you can't do anything. He raped me and that's that, and there's nothing you can do about it."
"We'll see about that," she said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the apartment. We hopped into her car and drove all the way to Johnny's house.
When we arrived at Johnny's one-story house, I stepped out of the car first. After standing up, I looked towards the door and felt a chill go down the back of my spine. Sadie on the other hand was already at the door banging as loud as she could.
"Open up!" she screamed. I walked past the car up to the door. She knocked for what seemed like minutes. "Fuck this," Sadie said as she swung the door open and charged in. I slowly walked in after her. I had a bad feeling at the pit of my stomach.
We stood in his house looking around. "Where is he?" Sadie asked, sounding as if she was out to find and kill him. 'Oh boy,' I said in my head. And then the next thing we knew, we heard these strange noises.
"I think it's coming from the bedroom," I said. Sadie directed herself to the bedroom door and opened it. Then I came behind her and peeked over her shoulder. My eyes widened at the horrific sight.
There on the bed laid a half naked woman with Johnny on top of her. 'Oh my gosh,' was the last thing I thought before Sadie did something totally unexpected...
Scroll down for Chapter 2!
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Chapter 2 Description:
Piper feels tossed around and used after seeing what Johnny (her boyfriend) had done. Then Sadie (Piper's best friend), decides to cheer her up by setting her up with Felix (Sadie's cousin). Things go well with Felix, and Piper begins to feel an attraction towards him. What will happen? Read to find out! Enjoy.
Not all content in this chapter is suitable for everyone, please be aware of that. Thank you, and enjoy.
"YOU SLUT!" Sadie screamed. She ran over and pulled the woman by her hair and pulled her off the bed. The woman fell on the floor and yelped in pain. 'Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh,' I kept repeating in my head while still standing in the doorway. Johnny got up off the bed on the other side and stepped backwards watching the cat fight continue.
I saw Sadie scratch, punch, and kick the "cooties" out of that woman. The woman fought back the best she could, but she was nothing against Sadie. 'Whoever this woman is,' I thought, 'won't probably ever want to kiss or
see Johnny again.' I chuckled at the thought.
And as much fun as it was to watch Sadie fight with the woman-person, I walked in between them to break up the fight. "Hey!" I shouted, with my hands on the both of their faces, "Break it up!" The woman stood back and fixed her long, wavy, red hair.
"Johnny, who the hell are these people?!" the woman barked. Johnny was still on the other side of the bed, frozen.
"My coworkers, they're just jealous that they didn't get any of this," Johnny lied, pointing at his body. I cringed.
"Yeah, they're disgusting," the woman said, pushing past me then walking over to Johnny. "It's too bad they can't even get one guy to have sex with them. I mean look at them, they're total bastards."
The woman put her hands on the sides of Johnny's head and Johnny put his arms around her waist.
"OH YEAH?!" Sadie yelled, beginning to charge toward the two. I held her back.
"Come on, let's go," I said, pushing Sadie towards the door.
"Bye bitches," the woman said giving us an evil grin and stare. I had the both of my arms on Sadie's shoulders and turned my head to give the woman a mean glare. Then the both of us walked out of the room and then out of the house.
We went back to Sadie's apartment. "Ug!" Sadie grunted as the both of us walked into her apartment. "Those type of scum bags just make me want to scream!" We stood around her apartment in silence.
"You know what? You should find someone else. And I think I know who you'd be perfect with," Sadie stated.
"Who?" I asked.
"My cousin, Felix."
"I don't know your cousin Felix."
"Sadie, I don't really feel in the mood to just be with another guy right after this incident."
"Yeah, you may say that but I know deep down inside you want a guy to love you once again."
I stood in silence thinking about it. See, that's the thing about Sadie, she's always right about most things.
"Well whatever. I need to get home anyway," I said, trying to act like I didn't care.
"If you need anything, just call then," Sadie said when I was walking towards the door.
"See ya," I said and then I headed out.
Weeks past and I spent my days sitting at home, watching sad romance movies, eating buckets and buckets of mint chocolate chip ice cream. But on one day, I was up in my room on my computer when I heard a shout from downstairs. "Piper! Some boy is here for you!" I heard Olivia yell. 'A boy?' I thought, 'Why would there be a boy for me at the door?' I got up from my chair and walked downstairs.
Once I reached downstairs I saw this guy with crisp brown hair and an unshaved face. He had a tattoo down his left arm and was wearing this vest thing. I quickly fixed my hair and then walked up next to Aunt Olivia.
"Hi," the man said to me, putting out his hand, "I'm Felix, Sadie's cousin." 'So this is Felix? I thought this guy would look different,' I thought to myself.
"I'm Piper," I said shaking his firm hand.
"Did Sadie tell you I was coming?"
"Yeah, she just didn't tell me when."
"Well I have an appointment at the salon that I need to go to. You two have fun," Aunt Olivia said, while pushing past the both of us.
"Do you want to come inside?" I asked Felix.
"Sure," he responded and then the both of us walked into the house. We walked over to one of the couches in the living room and sat down.
"So..." Felix spoke. We sat in silence. I had no idea what to say.
"Do you like music?" I asked. 'Such a generic question, why do I have to be so generic?' I thought.
"Yeah, yeah I do. Actually, that's what I'm practically devoting my life to," he said.
"Oh, so you want to be a musician?"
"No, actually I want to be a store manager."
"You do?"
"No, I'm just kidding. I want to be a musician," he chuckled. I laughed along too. 'Why do I have to be so gullible?' I thought to myself.
We talked and talked for what seemed like hours. I really seemed to enjoy his presence. "Well I've got to get going," he said getting up from the couch.
"Where?" I said, not wanting him to leave.
"Uh, home I guess," he said. Something didn't seem right about the way he said it.
"Where do you live?" I asked him, standing up. He stood there in silence. 'Why is he not answering me?' I wondered. "Felix?"
"I don't really have a home," he responded.
"Wait, why?" I asked him.
"Well, my parents kicked me out of the house when I was eighteen years old and all I have to rely on is my guitar. I've been sleeping on park benches and under trees and I haven't really got enough sleep," he confessed. 'This is just sad,' I thought to myself.
"You can stay here if you want," I suggested.
"No, you don't need to do that," he said.
"I want to," I said, caringly.
"Okay," he finally responded.
"You can sleep in my Aunt's bed if you want. She usually says she'll be back but then ends up not coming home until the next morning," I said.
"All right," he chuckled. 'This might be the beginning of a great, "friendly" relationship,' I thought, smiling at Felix.
What do you think will happen? Click the picture for Chapter 3 :)