Marley is missing! Oh no! See what happened to her in this chapter. After that, Piper is sent on a weird "scavenger hunt," but what for? Something is going to hit Piper unexpectedly, and hit her hard in the heart. Do you want to know what this is all about? Well then read to find out! (Hey, that rhymed!) Enjoy.

"Yes, you're supposed to give Marley to me," she took the words right out of my mouth. I handed Marley off to her. Marley started to intertwine Sadie's hair in between her fingers.

"What is this all about?" I asked her, not even reading the paper yet.
"Sorry, can't tell you. You'll have to find out," she told me, smiling, then slowly closing the door.

"Yeah," I responded.
"Okay, well lets go find you a gorgeous outfit then, shall we?"
"Wait, why?" I asked.
"Sorry, I can't tell you that," she told me.
"Well that's the second time I've heard that today," I said. Then she took me over to multiple racks of clothing.

"But, why?" I asked; I was so, confused.
"I already told you that I can't say anything. Now let's go to the cash register so I can ring the items up," she demanded. I went in the dressing room and grabbed my clothes that I had on earlier and then I walked up to the cash register.

"Do I need to pay for this dress?" I asked her.
"You don't need to pay for it. It's on someone else's card," she told me after typing in the numbers. 'Andrew must be paying for it,' I thought to myself. "Oh, I almost forgot. You might need this," she said, pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to me.
"Thanks," I said and then I walked out of the store.

Minutes later, I turned into the jeweler store's parking lot and parked my car. I walked inside the small building up to the counter.

"Ah, yes. I'm here to pick up the special package," I told him. He gave me a face expression that had confusion written all over it. An older lady who was standing a few steps farther down the counter started to look at me.
"Is your name Piper?" she asked me.
"Yeah..." I spoke with my voice trailing off.
"I've got your special package. Hold on one second," she said as she turned and walked into the back of the store. I stood and waited.

"Okay," I responded. She smiled a big grin at me. Creepy... I turned and walked out of the store and walked to my car. I placed the box on the hood of my car and read the note.

The beach was empty when I arrived there. I took the box out of the car and walked onto the warm sand.

Start reading when the song starts playing:

"What's going on?" I asked him, "Did you set up all of this?" He didn't answer me, instead he leaned in and kissed me.

We ended up at Andrew's therapist office. "Why are we here?" I asked him, while I was sitting in the passenger's seat of his car.
"You'll see," he said, smiling. 'Why has no one answered my questions?' I thought to myself, 'I've been to four different places, put on this dress, and have been carrying around some package; I think I deserve some answers.'

"Kiss me," he interrupted.

He leaned back slowly to lie on the floor and I ended up lying on top of him, still kissing him. The moment was so blissful. So sweet.

He stopped kissing me. I looked into his blue eyes. "What is it?" I asked him, running my fingers through his soft hair.
"I have something for you," he said, smiling and kissing me once more. He started to get up. I moved and got off of him. Then he sat up and grabbed "the special package."

"Yeah?" I said.
"I want to be with you. I would go in and out of hell if it meant I could be with you. But luckily, there won't be any need for that." He chuckled. I smiled and nodded my head. "What I am trying to say is..." he paused and opened the box.

"Yes Andrew. Oh hell yes," I finally said, trying to wipe the most of the tears from my eyes. I chuckled at myself and held out my hand.

(You can stop the music if it's still playing)

Scroll down for the FINAL chapter!
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Chapter 16 (Final) Description:
This is it! The final chapter! There's a lot that is explained in this chapter. I don't want to spoil anything here, so just read the chapter to find out! Thanks for being a GREAT reader ♥

I stared into Andrew's blue eyes. He smiled his genuine smile he had gave to me since the first day we met. Our hands were placed on top of each others.

I was dressed in a long flowing white dress and Andrew was handsome in his black suit. "Andrew, do you take Piper to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the man standing by the both of us spoke.
"I do," Andrew said, with his eyes giving a little sparkle as he looked at me.
"And Piper, do you take Andrew to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the man said.
"I do," I responded, smiling lovey-dovey at Andrew.
"Well then, Andrew, you know what to do."
"I do," Andrew said, with his eyes giving a little sparkle as he looked at me.
"And Piper, do you take Andrew to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the man said.
"I do," I responded, smiling lovey-dovey at Andrew.
"Well then, Andrew, you know what to do."

Andrew and I's lips interlocked and everyone in the crowd cheered. From that point on, everything was just one big blur.

After the wedding, Andrew and I saved our money and bought a cute little, well actually a lot bigger, house out in the country. Just like I always dreamed of. I started going to college online, so that way I could be home, taking care of Marley. I still wanted to be a high school teacher or a school counselor maybe. It just seemed the job would fit with me. I could relate to the teens if they came to me with their problems.

Andrew and I tried to have a baby together a year after we were married. But whatever we did, there was no such luck of me getting pregnant. We seen tons of doctors for it and found out that Andrew was infertile. That made us very disappointed and depressed that the both of us were unable to make a child together.
We talked about the issue, and then finally decided to talk with an adoption agency. With months and months gone by, we adopted a little boy child who was actually born in the United States, where we lived.
We actually found out that the mother of the boy left him out on the streets of Chicago alone and left to die, probably because she couldn't afford to take care of him. He went into the foster system and traveled around many foster families, growing up without a solid home to live in. And then that's where we came along. Once we were declared as eligible parents to adopt someone, we visited foster homes. Then once we reached the one where the little boy was living at, I automatically wanted him to be in our family. I don't know what it was about him, but he just seemed to fit perfectly with us. So we ended up signing papers and walking out with him.

His name was Dimitri. And Marley looked up at him as her idol. Yep, three year old Marley had an idol. He was the best big brother that anyone could have.

Oh, did I also tell you that Felix got a record deal and became a famous singer/guitar player? Because he did. Him and Macy moved to Hollywood to keep their dreams fulfilled. And I even saw on the news one day that they had a newborn child. It was a girl, and her name was Penelope.

News with Aunt Olivia, she's married and living with a man that loves her and takes good care of her. They met when the both of them were in group therapy for alcoholics. Yep, such a nice way to meet, right? Well, Andrew and I met sort of the same way too, I guess. The both of them got married shortly after Andrew and I got married. They were in love, and I was happy for her. She finally turned her life around for the better.

My best friend Sadie got pregnant. And can you guess who the father was? Yep, Parker. Sadie and Parker soon enough got married while Sadie was pregnant. And then at the wedding reception, Sadie had to leave because she went into labor. Yep, totally classic. They had a baby boy named Caleb and spent their honeymoon at the hospital. Caleb was adorable. He had Sadie's red hair and Parker's big brown eyes.

And boy, did time fly by from that point on. Andrew and I became grandparents before we knew it. And on one day after Dimitri and Marley were older and far moved out of the house, I was finishing up the touches on a photo album I was making. I was sitting on a chair in the living room of our house when Andrew came walking in with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"What are you doing there honey?" he asked, beginning to sit on the couch across from me.
"Oh, I'm just putting the rest of the pictures in the photo album," I responded, sliding the final picture into the clear film pocket. "Done," I said, throwing my hands in the air.
"Can I see it?" Andrew asked.
"Yeah," I said, standing up from my seat with the open book, then sitting down beside Andrew.
"Oh, I'm just putting the rest of the pictures in the photo album," I responded, sliding the final picture into the clear film pocket. "Done," I said, throwing my hands in the air.
"Can I see it?" Andrew asked.
"Yeah," I said, standing up from my seat with the open book, then sitting down beside Andrew.

He wrapped his arm around me and I set the photo album in between the both of us. I felt Andrew kiss the top of my head as I turned to the beginning of the photo album. And then we started to look at the photos...

"Is that you right there?" Andrew asked, pressing his finger on me in the picture.
"Yeah. That was taken just weeks before my parents had died," I said, not sounding the least bit happy.
"I'm sorry honey," he said, hugging me closer and kissing me on the top of the head. I turned the page.
"Yeah. That was taken just weeks before my parents had died," I said, not sounding the least bit happy.
"I'm sorry honey," he said, hugging me closer and kissing me on the top of the head. I turned the page.

I widened my eyes at this picture. I quickly took it out."Is that Johnny?" Andrew asked me immediately. Oops, he saw it.
"I really don't know why this is in here. I think Marley must of put it in here the other day. She was helping me put this album together. I meant to throw this away...sorry," I said, looking up at Andrew. He leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips.
"It doesn't matter. Besides, he gave us Marley, right?" Andrew spoke.
"Yeah, your right." I set the picture on the coffee table in front of us. I turned to the next page.
"I really don't know why this is in here. I think Marley must of put it in here the other day. She was helping me put this album together. I meant to throw this away...sorry," I said, looking up at Andrew. He leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips.
"It doesn't matter. Besides, he gave us Marley, right?" Andrew spoke.
"Yeah, your right." I set the picture on the coffee table in front of us. I turned to the next page.

I started to smile. "Gosh, I love this picture," I said.
"Yeah, you two look great in that picture," Andrew said. "Aren't we supposed to have dinner tomorrow night with Sadie and Parker?" he asked.
"Yeah. I'm thinking of making my famous pasta salad," I said.
"Mmm, pasta salad," Andrew said. I laughed then turned to the next page.
"Yeah, you two look great in that picture," Andrew said. "Aren't we supposed to have dinner tomorrow night with Sadie and Parker?" he asked.
"Yeah. I'm thinking of making my famous pasta salad," I said.
"Mmm, pasta salad," Andrew said. I laughed then turned to the next page.

"Oh, look. It's Aunt Olivia trying to listen to my stomach. I don't know what she was trying to hear. It's not like the baby was going to shout out, 'I'm in here! I'm in here!'" I said. Andrew chuckled. I turned to the next page.

"That's me with Marley just shortly after she was born. Aunt Olivia snuck up in my room and took the picture," I said, turning to the next page.

"This is my favorite one," Andrew said.
"Me too," I said, turning towards him. And then we kissed. Once we got settled back, I turned to the next page in the photo album.
"Me too," I said, turning towards him. And then we kissed. Once we got settled back, I turned to the next page in the photo album.

"Marley is adorable in this picture, don't you think?" I asked.
"She's beautiful. She's a beautiful woman today," Andrew said. I turned to the next page.
"She's beautiful. She's a beautiful woman today," Andrew said. I turned to the next page.

"Ah, our wedding day. It feels like it just happened yesterday, don't you think?" Andrew asked.
"Yes, yes it does," I said. I turned the page.
"Yes, yes it does," I said. I turned the page.

Andrew and I both silently looked at this picture. "Do you think that Dimitri will ever have children of his own?" I asked Andrew. He sat and thought.
"He told me that he wasn't planning on it. And Sasha doesn't like kids. But who cares, they're still a great family with just the two of them," he said. My thoughts traced elsewhere while he was talking.
"He told me that he wasn't planning on it. And Sasha doesn't like kids. But who cares, they're still a great family with just the two of them," he said. My thoughts traced elsewhere while he was talking.

I closed the photo album suddenly. I got up off the couch.

"Where are you going?" Andrew asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Graveyard," I said, placing the photo album book on the coffee table.
"Why are you going there?" he asked me.
"I just feel I need to do something."
"Don't hurt yourself, okay?" he said, getting up from the couch and walking over to me.
"Graveyard," I said, placing the photo album book on the coffee table.
"Why are you going there?" he asked me.
"I just feel I need to do something."
"Don't hurt yourself, okay?" he said, getting up from the couch and walking over to me.

"I won't. Don't worry, I'm not going to be digging my own grave or anything," I said, smiling. "I just need to talk to someone."

"As in, someone...dead?" he asked, raising one eyebrow.
"Yes. Well to their grave at least," I responded, smiling and giving him a small kiss on the lips, "I'll be back soon." Then I turned around, walked into the kitchen, grabbed my purse, then paced outside the house.
"Yes. Well to their grave at least," I responded, smiling and giving him a small kiss on the lips, "I'll be back soon." Then I turned around, walked into the kitchen, grabbed my purse, then paced outside the house.

In a short few minutes, I arrived at the graveyard. I parked on the side of the road and got out of the car, slamming the door shut. I carried my purse with me and then stepped over to a specific grave. I picked a few flowers out of the ground and held them in my hands. I straightened back up and puffed out a breath of air. Then I began to speak.

"Johnny," I spoke, looking down at the grave. "Johnny, Johnny, Johnny." I shifted my feet and fixed my skirt. "Johnny, you're probably wondering why I stand here and speak to you now." I paused.
"Well, you probably think that you don't deserve anyone to come visit you. You might think that you have been too disrespectful for anyone to see you." I stood there thinking of what I could say next.
"Well, you probably think that you don't deserve anyone to come visit you. You might think that you have been too disrespectful for anyone to see you." I stood there thinking of what I could say next.

"I just feel like I need to get something off my chest." I looked at the stone grave. I was talking to rock.
"Johnny, do you remember in high school when we were friends? You were the nicest guy around. You'd flirt with me and no other girl. You made me feel special, like I was the only girl in the world. You took me to prom and we had a great night. We started dating and I, truthfully, thought you were going to be the one. The one I was going to be with for the rest of my life." I looked over at the sky. I looked at the sun beginning to set. I turned my attention back to the grave.
"Johnny, do you remember in high school when we were friends? You were the nicest guy around. You'd flirt with me and no other girl. You made me feel special, like I was the only girl in the world. You took me to prom and we had a great night. We started dating and I, truthfully, thought you were going to be the one. The one I was going to be with for the rest of my life." I looked over at the sky. I looked at the sun beginning to set. I turned my attention back to the grave.

"And then after graduation, you changed. You began to drink and do drugs. You hang out with the wrong people. Why did you have to turn into a different person?!" I shouted out of nowhere. I looked around to make sure no one heard me, and then I gathered myself.
"You started to abuse me...And I thought I could help you, but you just kept hurting me over and over again," I said, on the verge of tears.

"And then on that one night...that one terrifying night, you had to just get what you wanted, didn't you? You didn't respect how I felt about the situation, you just played with me like I was a FUCKING TOY OF YOURS!" I yelled out accusingly, with tears pouring from my eyes. My voice was beginning to shake.

"HOW COULD YOU FUCKING MESS WITH ME LIKE THAT?! Do you know how much I cried and how much my heart hurt?! You treated me like shit. You got what you wanted and then threw me out on the curb like a bag of trash. And then the next day, I had to pretend like nothing happened. Nothing at all. I put on my fake smile for my aunt Olivia and then struggled through the rest of the day. And then once I found you making out with Macy! Oh, I felt ten times more like shit...worthless." I took a moment and wiped the tears from my eyes. I slowly breathed in and out. I tried to calm myself back down. I took in a deep breath and let it out before I began to speak. I cleared my throat.

"And as hard as it is to believe, I forgive you for all of that. Because if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be as happy as I am now. I have a wonderful husband. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have met him. And your daughter? Yes, you probably never knew you had a daughter. But our daughter Marley, has grown up to be a great woman, even with a child of her own. She is just like you, well, before you turned to drugs and alcohol as your friends. And I also have another son, Dimitri. We adopted him. He now lives with a beautiful wife and has a home. If I never met you, I would of never met Andrew, and then we would of never adopted Dimitri. He wouldn't be where he is now if it wasn't for you. So, do you feel better now? How all the hatred things you did to me, turned out to be something good after all?" I stuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I fiddled with my wedding ring. Then I looked at the grave for the last time.

"Johnny, you played games with me. Very cruel, hatred games with me. But right now, my life right now... this right here," I said, motioning my hand around. I spoke with confidence now. I glared at the grave, making sure my message would transport to Johnny.

"Well,... this ain't a love game."

I bent over and placed the flowers onto his grave. I straightened back up and I swore I saw Johnny standing there. But then the figure seemed to lighten and slowly fade away. Johnny was at peace now.

And all I did was simply smile, and walk away...

And that's the end! I appreciated ALL of the comments from everyone. I am really thankful for all my supporters...you know who you are :)
Here's the picture of what all the characters look like when they're older. You can download them in My Studio at thesims3.com along with other characters too.

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